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 Unexpected benefits and correct use method in humic acid in horticulture crops

Unexpected benefits and correct use method in humic acid in horticulture crops

 Humic acid is not less than a boon to improve soil structure and increase fertilizer capacity. Humic acid found in the market is actually potassium heart

There is a component, which provides many types of benefits that contribute to soil health, plant growth and overall crop productivity. Humic acid is a naturally found organic matter that is derived from the decay of plant and animal materials. It is a major component of humus, the organic fraction of the soil, which is known for its dark color and rich fertility. Major sources of humic acid include decomposed peat, lignite coal and organic matter in soil. It is important to understand the chemical composition of humic acid, which is composed of various functional groups, such as phenolic, carboxylic and quinon groups.

When used as seed treatment, humic acid improves germination rate and seedling power. The reason for this is its effect on the physical and chemical properties of the soil around the seed.

Biological Activity

Humic acid increases microbial activity in soil. Beneficial microorganisms thrive very well in the presence of humic substances, which help in increasing the breakdown of organic matter and the availability of nutrientsHumic acid structure

Humic acid is a multi-use mineral substance. Banjar land can also be made fertile by its use. It is helpful in maintaining moisture in the soil. It dissolves the manure well in the soil and reaches the plants. Apart from this, it keeps nitrogen and iron in the soil.

Humic acid is a complex mixture of macromolecules, and its structure may vary depending on the source. It usually contains humic substances, roughly classified into fullwick acids, humic acids, and hymatomalanic acids. Fulvic acid is the smallest molecular component, followed by humic acid, while hymatometric acid is the largest. The complex structure of humic acid plays an important role between soil and plants. Its high funding exchange capacity (CEC) allows it to maintain and exchange essential nutrients with plants roots, which promotes the availability of nutrients in the soil.

What happens by using humic acid?

Soil conditioner: Humic acid acts as soil conditioner, increases soil structure and promotes water holding. Its ability to make complex with soil particles improves soil aeration and drainage.

Nutritional absorption

One of the important benefits of humic acid is its role in the absorption of nutrients. It synthesizes essential minerals, making them more available to plants. This, in turn, improves eclipse and use of nutrients by crops.


Humic acid stimulates root growth, making the root system more wider and stronger. This increased root mass increases the capacity of planting water from the soil of the plant and reaching the nutrients.

Advanced seed germination


Benefits of Humic Acid Better soil fertility

The use of humic acid enriches soil fertility by providing nutrients reserves and creating a favorable environment for microbial activity. It contributes to continuous and better crop production.

Lack of nutrients

Humic acid helps in reducing nutrients leaching by tying nutrients in the root area, preventing them from washing with rain or irrigation. This not only benefits the health of plants but also reduces environmental effects.

Water usage efficiency

Increased soil water holding capacity of soil treated with humic acid increases water use efficiency. This is particularly important in areas facing water scarcity or irregular rainfall patterns.

Stress tolerance

Tolerance towards various stress factors including drought and salinity in plants treated with humic acid increases. Better root system and absorption of nutrients contribute to the plant's ability to withstand challenging environmental conditions

Humic acid preparation method

To prepare it, 2 year old dung dung or condes, 25 to 30 liters of water and a capacity of about 50 liters are required.

To prepare it, first fill the dung dung and condes in the drum.

After this, fill 25 to 30 liters of water in the drum and keep it covered for 7 days.

After 7 days, the water of the drum will change from dark red to brown.

After this, remove all the condoms from the drum and filter the water with a cloth.

Use this water as humic acid.

How to use humic acid?

Mix the water prepared in the drum in the soil.

Keep the roots immersed in it before planting the plants.

Mix with pesticides and spray the crops.

You can also use it by mixing chemical fertilizers.

It can be used with drip irrigation.

Method of use

Humic acid 12% W / W can be used in the following way

a. Recipe

A liter of humic acid is sufficient for 12% w / w one acre. It can be used alone or with other fertilizers or through drip irrigation.

B. Spraying

You can spray humic acid @ 2-3 ml / liter water at monthly intervals for all crops in the morning or evening before flowering or in active botanical state.

C. Seed treatment

Soak the seeds of humic acid @ 10 ml / kg seed in sufficient amount of water in sufficient amount of water at least 1 hour before sowing.


In summary, Humic acid plays an important role in modern agriculture, providing many advantages that contribute to durable and efficient crop production. The use of humic acids, from increasing soil fertility and absorption of nutrients to promote stress tolerance in plants, are diverse and impressive. As the development of agricultural practices continues, the importance of humic acid is likely to be even more pronounced in customizing soil health and promoting strong plants growth. It should not be used more than the quantity.

 What is Trichoderma, the main basis of organic farming? What is the method and benefit of its use?

What is Trichoderma, the main basis of organic farming? What is the method and benefit of its use?

Trichoderma's miraculous benefits in agriculture and horticulture

Trichoderma is a species of fungi that is continuously playing an important role in agriculture and horticulture due to its diverse beneficial effects on plants. This versatile group of fungi is becoming very rapidly popular for its mycoparitic, biocontrol and properties promoting plant growth.

1. Mycoparasitic Capabilities

Trichoderma species are skillful mycoparasites, which means they parasitize and control the development of other fungi. This characteristic is particularly valuable in agriculture, where pathogens produced by soil cause significant damage to the crop. The same species of Trichoderma actively attack and inhibit their growth by competing with nutrients and harmful fungi to the location.

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2. Biocontrol agent

Trichoderma serves as a natural biocontrol agent against a wide range of pathogens of plants, including the species of fusarium, rhizoctonia and pythium. Trichoderma establishes a protective barrier, which prevents pathogenic fungi from infecting the roots of plants. This bio -control mechanism reduces the need for synthetic chemical fungicide, promotes durable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

 3. Inclusion of the protection mechanism of plants

Trichoderma induces the plant's own defence mechanism, increasing its immunity to diseases. Fungi stimulates the production of various defence-related compounds, such as phytoalexins and pathogenesis, proteins in plants. This systemic resistance helps crops to withstand infection and stress, which contributes to the overall health of plants.

4. Nutrient solubility

Some species of  Trichoderma display the ability to solve essential nutrients such as phosphorus, iron zinc as well as other micronutrients such as other micronutrients, making them more available to plants. This nutrient solubility increases the growth and development of plants, especially in the decreased soil, and reduces the requirement of synthetic fertilisers.

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5. Advanced root development

Trichoderma promotes root growth and branches by producing substances that promote oxin and other plants. Better root systems result in better nutrients and water eclipses, which increases the strength and overall crop productivity of the plants.

6. Stress Tolerance

Trichoderma helps plants to deal with various environmental stresses, such as drought, salinity and excessive temperature. The symbiotic relationship between Trichoderma and plants can increase the ability to adapt and survive in the challenging conditions of the plants, eventually producing more flexible crops.

7. Bio -degradation of organic matter

 Trichoderma species contribute to the dissolution of organic matter in the soil. They secrete enzymes that facilitate the decomposition of organic residues, making the nutrients back into the soil. This recycling process improves soil composition and fertility, creating a favourable environment for the growth of plants.

Also read: Use organic manure and increase crop yield, farmers here are taking full benefits

8. Professional use

Trichoderma-based bio-fungal and bio-fertilizers have gained popularity in the agricultural industry. These commercial products containing live trichoderma inoculants are planted on seeds, soil or plant surfaces to provide various benefits above. Farmers are increasingly integrating these biological agents into their crop management practices to promote sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture.

9. Biological control of nematodes

Some Trichoderma strains display anti-activity against plant-parasitic nematodes. This bio -control capacity is valuable in the management of nematode infections, which is harmful to crop health.

10. Seed Treatment

Trichoderma-based formulation is used to protect seed treatment, protect seeds from soil-related pathogens and promote seedling installation. These preventive measures contribute to making crops healthy from the initial phase of development.


The versatile advantages of Trichoderma in agriculture and gardening arise from its mycopo -suitable capabilities, bio -control mechanisms, plant defence reactions, nutrient solutions, promoting root growth, increasing stress tolerance and contributing to organic matter decomposition. As the agricultural sector continues to adopt durable practices, the use of Trichoderma-based products is playing an important role in promoting plant health, reducing chemical inputs and ensuring food security.